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Review And Correction about Scoping and Policy Evaluation in Development activity of Environmental I

Recently, more and more development activities are obliged or volunteer to undergo the second stage environmental impact assessment (EIA). Nevertheless, the relevant regulations of scoping have been enforced for 16 years and are necessary to be revised. Furthermore, the proceeding of discussions on some cases encountered many challenges and difficulties. Participants, such as scholars and experts, also proposed suggestions of revising regulations. Therefore, a detailed review and revise of specific items for scopingwas conducted in this project. To achieve the major objective of revising the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards for Development Activities, the operation of the scoping procedure in Taiwan and other countries has been reviewed and investigated. Moreover, the cases undergoing the strategic environmental assessment during the recent 5 years have also been studied to submit some suggestions on revising the Regulations of Environmental Impact Assessment Process for Government Policy (SEA).
Environmental Impact Assessment, Second Stage Environmental Impact Assessment, Scoping, Strategic Environmental Assessment